Miracle the four year old cat

Miracle the four year old cat

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Kittens and cats often come into people’s lives in unusual ways, but the arrival of Miracle into Christina’s life was exceptionally bizarre. It happened on a Thursday afternoon in the summer of 2013, when Christine was busy at her...
Sushi the one year old cat

Sushi the one year old cat

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Cara has always been concerned about the environment; she has a doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering, and has worked on a wide range of environmental issues in Ireland, from water quality to renewable energy. She has had...
Sharifa the twenty one year old cat

Sharifa the twenty one year old cat

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES “Sharifa” is a girl’s name from the Middle East, meaning “honoured”. Barbara took Sharifa on as a kitten, back in 1996, never expecting that twenty one years later, she’s still be alive and well. For the past few years, Sharifa has...
Alfie the six year old cat

Alfie the six year old cat

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Alfie was originally rescued as a kitten: he had been found amongst the waste plastic and bottles at a local recycling centre. He has grown into a large, friendly cat, sharing the Gordon family home with a twelve year old cat called...
Sooty the 11 year old cat is a challenge

Sooty the 11 year old cat is a challenge

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Beatrice shares her home with three males: her husband George, her son Gerard, and her black cat, Sooty.  While it’s true that Sooty was castrated as a young adult cat, he has still always been a masculine animal, and he is definitely a...

Pashmina the 3 year old cat

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES One evening, Monica noticed that Pashmina was behaving strangely. She was quieter than usual, staying in the corner, grooming herself continually. And when Monica watched carefully, she could see that the cat was repeatedly licking the...
Toby the 8 year old cat

Toby the 8 year old cat

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Toby often greets Miriam when she comes home from work. He’s there, on the doorstep, looking up at her, purring. She’s always pleased to see him, but one night last week, she did a double take when she saw him: he looked somehow...
Tiger is a one year old Bengal cat

Tiger is a one year old Bengal cat

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Tiger is a special type of pedigree cat: there are very few Bengals in this country. When Tasania and her family heard about Bengal cats, with their unique coat markings and intelligent personalities, they decided that they wanted a...
Sissi was shot by someone with a high powered rifle

Sissi was shot by someone with a high powered rifle

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Like most cats, Sissi is a creature of habit: she comes and goes at around the same time each day. Last week, Mark let her outside after her supper: she always goes out for an evening wander. She miaows at the back door when she wants...
Cinnamon’s tail started to drag behind him

Cinnamon’s tail started to drag behind him

THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Even though he’s just a young adult, Cinnamon has become a creature of habit, coming and going at regular times of the day, sitting in particular places, and eating his food on schedule. Last Saturday, there were several give away signs...